Huffington Post today.

Drogue: Snoop Dogg privé de Norvège pendant deux ans.

Frédéric Vidal : “Pseudonyme comme moi je gère le nom de Mike Fuller pour mes oeuvres littéraires et l’activité politique que j’aurais pu avoir sous mon nom d’origine si ma vie était restée en France et que l’Internet n’ait pas existé. Mike Fuller, c’est le XXIe siècle et la science fiction de plus en plus à notre portée. Sous mon nom d’origine, je reste le fruit de l’acquis le plus grand de l’Histoire du monde : NOTRE XXe SIECLE, rationnel, constructif de nos acquis dans tous les domaines positifs de la loi et du bien, ce qui inclus un dispositif anti-chaos que nous avions mis en place au cas où le siècle suivant soit à l’opposé. Donc, Frédéric est Mike mais Mike n’est pas Frédéric, c’est une fiction, dans une certaine mesure, car Fuller est de l’avenir que nous n’imaginions jamais pour pouvoir atteindre en 1980, l’an 2000 était un mythe comme celui de M. F. aux Etats-Unis maintenant. Mais, très bientôt, mon deuxième nom pourrait devenir une réalité comme le premier. LES ROMANS ONT TOUJOURS INFLUENCE L’HISTOIRE. Je les écris avec mon nom de fiction pour qu’ils représentent encore plus une réalité. Trouver le juste équilibre.”

VIDÉO. Comment survivre à un tueur armé.

La tuerie d’Aurora a traumatisé l’Amérique tout entière. Hasard du calendrier, la ville de Houston, au Texas, a mis en ligne sur YouTube vendredi 27 juillet une vidéo pour apprendre à ses concitoyens comment réagir à une attaque terroriste.

Visit the site of the NRA:

VIDÉOS. Le gouvernement s’oppose à Nicolas Sarkozy qui critique l’action française sur la Syrie.

Frédéric Vidal : “La Droite et la Gauche s’affronte sur le Moyen-Orient, c’est une tension internationale qui réveille le clivage français entre la majorité et l’opposition pour un consensus que je souhaite, autour de mon Parti POUVOIR PRESIDENTIEL qui va prendre une initiative ces prochains jours concernant la Révolution Arabe en cours.”

Starts August 16.

Novel of a Campaign.
Daily Coverage for The Press.
Freelance First Class Journalism.
Youtube – WordPress.
Francophonie – Commonwealth.
Télévision – Newspapers: 58.

Élections américaines: Romney dénonce l’Iran et présente Jérusalem comme “capitale” d’Israël.

After Mitt Romney in Great Britain and in Israel, he’s about to be invited in Poland, will he go in Auschwitz? I suppose it ciould be a great visit to understand what is wrong with dictatorships.

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney visits the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney visits the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

The Inter-Letters™ #32, 07/31/2012 (Tuesday). My First Speech For Tampa Bay, A Republican Freeway! Mike Fuller, Pen Name of Frederic Vidal!


): BREAKTHROUGH™ #51: For Tampa with Fate.

Tampa, we are here to be or not be. As a Republican, I am with you for the first time in America. In Hollywood, I used to be a Screenwriter and I want to continue with our Grand Old Party. There is something like a script to write about our ticket (a one way ticket) to the District.

This District is the greatest of them all, not only of Columbia but of the whole South America because Columbia is the State of the illegal drugs at the time of the Medellin Cartel and we were unable to stop the poison: corruption and slavery. For now, the Hispanic community is a Mexican population inside our territory and we have the constitutional duty to help them against the drug cartels in war against their State.

For the Republican National Convention, the founders of the 50 States are with us, among us forever. They were clever to prepare us for the best and the worst too. Us, united and decided, it is a subject of meditation about History and Policy, also a fact that the Nation could meditate.

"Tampa, we are here to be or not be." Frederic Vidal.

“Tampa, we are here to be or not be.” Frederic Vidal.

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #51: For Tampa with Fate (2).

Mitt Romney is the locomotive and we are the train, where is the power? This is the main question for the Republicans and we are for the Republic in America, a Republic of ideas and persons, inspired by the eagle of our Mountains. The Democrats prefer less symbols and references they are closer to the industries and businesses than us but in 2012, the crisis of their philosophy (the welfare State) is, I think, almost definitive like the end of communism in Russia in 1980’s.

Barack Obama is our great local Putin doing welfare State without the environment of it. In  2008, Wall Street lost a lot of money, Americans are still looking for a competition. The White House prefers to promote the Obamacare. It is, in fact, the Obamagate, a Watergate of Social Security. The next President will not forget this law and its followers in order to impeach the strategy of the Presidency at that time, DEMAGOGY.

Bill Gates, the Chairman of Microsoft created the conditions of the chaos of the Internet that we use nowadays, a Jungle of sites, the contrary of the American Dream, a computerized dictatorship of the commercial brands that support it. This web has a God : Obama and a devil: Romney. Let’s change it for the Intervision, a citizenship ambition to educate and empower the democracy. A commission at the White House will study the reform to calm down the exams of the American Internet.

"Mitt Romney is the locomotive and we are the train,  where is the power." Frederic Vidal.
“Mitt Romney is the locomotive and we are the train, where is the power.” Frederic Vidal.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #51: For Tampa with Fate (3).

The present President is sponsored, people like Spielberg and Abrams are his main advisors probably for a movie we don’t want against the tradition of our Constitution: Independence as film heroes are not able to manage the government.

Let’s forget the past now, you can imagine the future, it’s the day after Tampa. The Bay is not in Cuban Florida is our chance for a lifetime of leadership if we criticize JFK. Kennedy was a President of the United States who was weak, fragile and too charismatic, he’s our legend imposed by his death.

I am proposing our own legendary name, imposed by his birth: Mike Fuller. I have a Pen Name that is not a nickname but a name of fiction and reality oriented by (political) science and the public opinion here and in Canada. Mike is our everyday Hero without film but a novel titled: WASHINGTON LEGACY.

Like George, Fuller shows us our contradictions and the issue: a second Independence Day  each January First to focus on the obligation to understand we have to thank the time  that gives us more maturity, year after year, obviously even in the 2000’s after the XXth century, 100 years of pure conservation and research development, a CONTINENT BUILDING.

"The present President is sponsorised by Hollywood." Frederic Vidal.

“The present President is sponsorised by Hollywood.” Frederic Vidal.

): FRENCH POST™ #51: After the Human Trafficking, There Will Be The Human Being.

We are in America and everything is possible including a victory of Mitt Romney. It can happen if we are clever enough to understand and to tell to the moviegoers the strategy of Barack Obama who did not hesitate to attack our candidate in July about his talent to be an entrepreneur before he was a governor. So, now it is our turn to show that Obama is the the product of an industry, it is the reply and a definitive Thank you to his “Dirty War” of comparative Ads. Hollywood is the word, this present Presidency is supported by a population of actors who are democrats and obliged by Obama Administration to sponsor his 2012 Presidential campaign.

More than Kennedy, Barack is connected to the Academy Awards, it is his human factory and he believes he is the boss there. This is not accepted by the Constitution. We can be smart by asking him a question. Why don’t you feel enough comfortable in your oval office and the Political Community. Why do you want the support of Hollywood so much? I have the reply for you: Obama wants to be his own producer for a show we don’t appreciate: his superstar activity.

Blake, always Blake and forever Lively.

Blake, always Blake and forever Lively.


): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #51: Air Force manages Birds like no others that like the Sky but also enemies.

L’article en question ne concerne pas François Hollande. Le patron du Parti Socialiste, ce n’est pas lui mais Martine Aubry. L’article concerne les avions Marcel Dassault. Qu’allons-nous faire face à la concurrence américaine qui se présente plus forte que jamais en ce qui concerne les pays acheteurs d’avions de chasse. C’est un point fort du commerce extérieur français de vendre du matériel militaire et en particulier des avions mais avec le nouveau gouvernement, on se demande si nous n’allons pas perdre notre place de leader dans ce commerce qui garantit la paix par la prévention de la guerre. La menace militaire est la meilleure garantie contre la guerre. Si les avions Dassault ne plaisent pas assez, la raison est à trouver dans la réputation qui est en baisse pour notre pays de favoriser LA DISSUASION et d’avoir des Alliés. Soyons vigilants pour conserver notre indépendance nationale.

Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor. Picture author: Rob Shenk from Great Falls, VA, USA. The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor is a single-seat, twin-engine fifth-generation supermaneuverable fighter aircraft that uses stealth technology.

Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor. Picture author: Rob Shenk from Great Falls, VA, USA. The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor is a single-seat, twin-engine fifth-generation supermaneuverable fighter aircraft that uses stealth technology.

This Inter-Letters™ is dedicated to: Pierre Charles L’Enfant.

I dedicate my car to Pierre (Peter) Charles L'Enfant (1754–1825) was a French-born American architect and civil engineer best known for designing the layout of the streets of Washington, D.C.

I dedicate my car to Pierre (Peter) Charles L’Enfant (1754–1825) was a French-born American architect and civil engineer best known for designing the layout of the streets of Washington, D.C.

A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™.

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal / Mike Fuller.

This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign of Mitt Romney.

Sous l’égide du projet de Secrétariat d’Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLL) project.

Today’s Video by Youtube: Bon Jovi – We Weren’t Born To Follow (Live on Letterman) My Song For The GOP’s Tampa Bay.

Bon Jovi – When We Were Beautiful (Live At Letterman).