The Inter-Letters™ #10, Volume II, 08/30/2012 (Thursday). The TAMPA CONVENTION Concepts GOP. Last Moments Giving To Mitt Romney The Party He Deserves, The Grand Old Mike Fuller’s Coalition Written And Lived For The Victory!

August 1, 2012

The Inter-Letters™ #10, Volume II, 08/30/2012 (Thursday). The TAMPA CONVENTION Concepts GOP. Last Moments Giving To Mitt Romney The Party He Deserves, The Grand Old Mike Fuller’s Coalition Written And Lived For The Victory!

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #10-Vol II: A Satanic Gang finished his career in Tampa.

They were there and they showed their hate of America. They are like an anti-church, a clique of leaders killing their fans with a fascist ideology. It is not republican at all and want Blake Lively with an African Amercian according to a journaslistic buzz to punish our Nation. But what about drugs? They don’t like my program to stop the illegal traffic of it. The same for the guns, they want a black market, not my project of an official license. These guys belong to Satan, the church of the Mormons are against them.

 ): BLOCKBUSTER™ #10-Vol II: The Antichrist is Mitt Romney.

This is in the Bible and only crazy people can say the contrary: the Christ was crucified by the Romans two thousand years ago and the message arrived from hell that an evil human would come to be our leader but we don’t want it because it is for chaos and not redemption. We want God and a happy life on Earth, not this messianic movement of ultra-conservative fascists who believe in Reagan like their sons in Hitler. Newt Gingrich is known to be probably a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

 ): BRAMSTOCKER™ #10-Vol II: What about Tampa Budget?

The budget of Tampa is suspect. This organization connected to CNN was a disaster and the Americans deserve to know how many millions were spent to promote the ideology of chaos and conflict in the United States. We must decide of a new direction of this party that is not anymore the competitor of the Democrats but a vast coalition of extremists and demagogues. Al Capone style of financing.

): FRENCH POST ™ #10-Vol II: The Republicans don’t want prevention of AIDS.

Marco Rubio is a Senator, Fidel Castro is a dictator, the two men are from Cuba and the first one is a kind of communist Rudolf Valentino, with a wife and a life in Miami. Rubio, the big mistake of the Republicans, this immigrant has an ambition to become President of the United States to transform the Country with the Mexicans. But what does he do against AIDS? Nothing at all, people are dying everyday because there is no good information against AIDS in America and Rubio, close to the young people as he is charismatic, is not interested. He prefers Las Vegas where his parents worked in a Casino. And what about the Mexican Drug cartels, Rubio does nothing against them. Romney means Money.

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #10-Vol II: Hollande a besoin d’un certificat médical.

Regardez sa tête dans les journaux, il ne va pas bien. On ne peut pas accepter d’être dirigé par un Président qui apparaît dans un rêve dont on ne veut pas. Il doit atterrir, les pieds sur terre pour négocier avec le Premier ministre des mesures importantes concernant le progrès social en France. Nous en saurons plus quand Monsieur Hollande ira mieux, cela peut être le cas d’un jour à l’autre.

This Inter-Letters™ is dedicated to:

The United Nations are doing more against AIDS than the USA. It is a shame and the Republican Party supports that.

The United Nations are doing more against AIDS than the USA. It is a shame and the Republican Party supports that.

A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™.

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Mike Fuller.

This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign against Mitt Romney.

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Sous l’égide du projet de Secrétariat d’Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLL) project.

Today’s Video by Youtube: David Bowie – Memory Of A Free Festival.

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