The Inter-Letters™ #2, Volume II, 08/18-19/2012 (Saturday – Sunday). Each Letter To Have Their Own News Blog And Site While This Compilation Blog Letter So Appreciated Is The Center Of Our Reseau Of Interactive Dialogue Online!

August 1, 2012

The Inter-Letters™ #2, Volume II, 08/18-19/2012 (Saturday – Sunday). Each Letter To Have Their Own News Blog And Site While This Compilation Blog Letter So Appreciated Is The Center Of Our Reseau Of Interactive Dialogue Online!

1. Backstage.

The Editorial Team is thinking about improving the presentation and the marketing of this compilation newsletter and the independence of each ones that begins today with 5 additional blogs on WordPress and 5 sites on Google Sites.


to be completed.


to be completed.


to be completed.

2. Front Stage.

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #2-Vol II: Last weekend before Tampa.

The Convention is in 8 days. We must be ready for this great event that takes place every 4 years, next time in 2016. The Grand Old Party is ours. Founded by anti-slavery activists in 1854, it dominated politics from 1860 to 1932. 18 presidents have been Republicans. What about the 19th? He can be Mitt Romney or not. In November, the election result will decide. The polls are bad but it can change. Obama is weak and our ticket can win but something is missing until now. This week before Tampa, let’s identify what we need to be elected. This must be A MESSAGE.

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #2-Vol II: This Blog is our Main Site.

Our newsletters are stronger now, ready to be more diffused, to have their own blog, to get new readers, to be featured each one on a website. This is thanks to this WordPress Blog that is Mike Fuller main publication. Fuller, the author of French Cop and so many other literacy creation for movie and merchandising, is also a brilliant social leader who does not like the word politics, preferring the word government and policies. Politicians are too much involved in their own career, voters and campaign workers can’t accept this strategy when it’s only personal. Fuller’s letters are tickets to the White House for 2012.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #2-Vol II: The Rock History is Not Over.

Since the 1960’s, there is a project and a dream inside the rock community, not only Peace and Love but, in fact, ownership without stress and family without rules meaning illegal rules like threats in the streets and racket about your house that creates stress. World cannot be perfect but young people from the XXth century until now need their independence and their certitude to live their life the way they want like a free human being. This is, consequently, the BRAMSTOCKER™ mentality. Music is the art they use to send images of their happiness.

): FRENCH POST ™ #2-Vol II: Conventions need Press Release.

This is the text of the press communique to be released next week by the Web about the Republicans and the Presidency in the United States: This is an important time for America. The two major partis are about to hold their convention. (to be continued).

Los Angeles,California, United States of America ( August 20, 2012 —

Tony Scott, the director of Top Gun, is dead. He committed a suicide on Sunday. There is a bad mood in the film industry. The Batman massacre in Aurora, Colorado was the first evidence of it. My name is Mike Fuller and I want the victory of Mitt Romney because the present President was wrong about culture and the Internet. My objective is also to be a write-in Presidential candidate in November by using my birth name: Frederic Vidal. For my ticket, I would like to have Taylor Swift as vice-Presidential candidate. For us, in Hollywood, the reason of our problems is that the films are not in the Internet.
What about the diffusion of the feature films on the web? Nothing is ready yet after all these years and we are the victims of it: us, filmmakers and actors, you, online moviegoers. So, write to the White House or directly call Barack Obama for an explanation: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20500, phone number: (202) 456-2121. Also, you can write to Mitt Romney for a project of change at: Romney for President, PO Box 149756, Boston, MA 02114-9756, or call his staff: 857-288-3500.

We don’t really want an American Putin. The solution could be James Bond on Youtube (but with a fee): we gonna check who can help us. There is probably no quality streaming available online because of the Bush presidency.

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #2-Vol II: Le Bilan des 100 Jours.

100 jours pour convaincre ? non, ce fut 100 jours de déception et de regret du Vote Hollande qui probablement se serait porté sur d’autres si les électeurs avaient su que le candidat en question ne tiendrait pas ses promesses. Maintenant, c’est l’été et il faut faire l’inventaire des 100 premiers jours au pouvoir d’un anti-Mitterrand qui s’est entouré d’un groupe de fidèles qui ne ressemble pas à un gouvernement normal. Il ne faut rien à attendre de très bon pour le second semestre qui se terminera en décembre, probablement avec un nouveau paysage politique français à préparer ensemble.

This Inter-Letters™ is dedicated to: the FBI.

Motto: Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity. I like the FBI.

Motto: Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity. I like the FBI.

Wikipedia: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a governmental agency belonging to the United States Department of Justice that serves as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency (counterintelligence).

A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™.

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Mike Fuller.
This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign of Mitt Romney.

To translate from French to English or viceversa:

The Inter-Letters™ book site:


Sous l’égide du projet de Secrétariat d’Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLL) project.

Today’s Video by Youtube: My Generation.

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