The Inter-Letters™ #8, Volume II, 08/28/2012 (Tuesday). Alert! Republicans Days, From Yesterday To Thursday. This Will Be An Happy Friday Until November. The TAMPA CONVENTION Concepts GOP.

August 1, 2012

The Inter-Letters™ #8, Volume II, 08/28/2012 (Tuesday). Alert! Republicans Days, From Yesterday To Thursday. This Will Be An Happy Friday Until November. The TAMPA CONVENTION Concepts GOP.

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #8-Vol II: The Republicans are not in Tampa.

The commercial show in Tampa began yesterday with the anti-Stars who have our name but not our policies to propose in Washington. This collection of weird people who call themselves Republicans but are in fact real democrats like the hispanic and extreme Rubio (a violent ideologist and anti-feminist anti-self made man) and the shy but decided Ryan (a Congressman proposed by CNN) is a mascarade to forget. We need to organize the Party in order to have them outside of it.

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #8-Vol II: Frederic Vidal write-in candidacy is next.

Frederic Vidal candidacy is against the Romney-Ryan ticket first that creates a trouble all over America. This imitation of a GOP ticket is wrong and financed by people who don’t want America back. They can understand their mistake and be back home with the FREELANCE GOP leader Vidal, the contrary of Washington, the real man to replace Obama.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #8-Vol II: Florida to visit with an Elephant.

The State of Florida, this is our friend but probably not the persons who are in charge there because otherwise we could have been there in Tampa to say the truth: MIKE FULLER IS THE NEXT PRESIDENT, OBAMA WILL SAY GOODBYE IN JANUARY. Romney, the new McCain is a poor politician with so few ideas that the TV channels and the newspapers give him subjects and propositions to comment: do you want politics to be a so incredible show of blah blah blah? Florida says No, Mike will be there to confirm it.

): FRENCH POST ™ #8-Vol II: Tampa Bay is not Chicago.

About the deals in Tampa Bay, you must be sure they are against the Internet. These old activists there and their young followers are the promoters of another system: the radio. Their permanent talks against Reagan and Lincoln, against women that they want as slaves, against the African-Americans they want poor and with no future, they can’t express it on the Web. THEY ARE AGAINST REFORMS, we are for their future in another party: GO WHERE YOU WANT, we will respect it because we are for the democracy, you did not respect it in Tampa.

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #8-Vol II: La Crise Hollande de Septembre.

Les enfants à l’Ecole et Hollande superstar à nouveau : ce n’est pas la République, c’est l’Empire et nous n’en voulons pas car il s’agit de l’influence de Marine Le Pen sur la démocratie française qui est très fatiguée. Demain, nous devons ouvrir les yeux un peu plus, ces gens à Paris qui croient nous gouverner sont en passe de créer trop de mécontents par des mesures contre le socialisme auquel ils se réfèrent. Il n’ y arriveront probablement pas mais ils nous auront vraiment ennuyé. La réplique est une lettre (que j’écris cette semaine à Marianne).

This Inter-Letters™ is dedicated to: the NSA.

The National Security Agency is responsible of the security of the Americans regarding Politics and the Elections.

The National Security Agency is responsible of the security of the Americans regarding Politics and the Elections.

A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™.

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Mike Fuller.

This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign against Mitt Romney.

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Sous l’égide du projet de Secrétariat d’Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLL) project.

Today’s Video by Youtube: Reagan tells Soviet jokes.

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