Is It Linked? FRENCH COP 1st Script About UN Russian Ambassador’s Daughter Was Purely Fictional! The American James BOND Interviewed By Mike FULLER About Donald TRUMP Problems With Moscow! “I Would Have Been Punk If I Was Born In 1977 Or Before!” Vince SAUVAN.




Mike FULLER: Hi, Vince SAUVAN, it’s good to speak with you on VOICE OF AMERICA in our dimension and diffused on WORDPRESS with the best moments on TWITTER on the USB.

Vince SAUVAN: it’s me. I’m impressed, the President of the United States is interviewing himself a personality like I am. I appreciate it a lot. You are my hero to a great extend.

MF: How is Patricia? We had many concerns about her destiny before to interfere to liberate her. You know, we missed the two of you for a long while!

VS: She’s Ok. She’s perfect. We follow a little training now in West Virginia before to be your Ambassador in Japan. It’s really exciting to represent the President of the United States.

MF: for sure. You will do it the best you can. This is a definitive Win-Win mission for you and Pat, a second honeymoon, for our Country the chance to organize with the Japanese the next step of our Computer Age, the Virtual Reality.

VS: it’s a way to stay the #1, better than our competitors of the other dimension, the USB.

MF: you know what? These guys, they have a tough time with their new President.

VS: he appears to be deeply inspired by your own Presidency, your projects, your style but in a bad manner mainly.

MF: it’s not the matter. I wanted my lawyer there, Frederic VIDAL, elected President but I think he’s not welcomed, I’m not sure. We receive their computer transmissions, they call the Internet, it’s like that we know everything but not the details and the real life.

VS: you don’t watch their TV?

MF: no, thank you lord.

VS: Mr. VIDAL was replaced by you, I could check when I was myself having some troubles before you rescued me!

MF: I believe it was a game of communication. He’s not dead at all, he’s using my name as his personal political mark and I’m proud of it. When he signs FULLER, we speak the two of us.

VS: you wanted to interview me about the Russian connection, I suppose, the fact our first memorable action after we founded DARKPOL with the CIA, Patricia HUNTER and me, has been to find the location where Natasha STANISLAVSKY was living after she disappeared.

MF: why Paris?

VS: we had indications at that time, in 2005, she could have been networking in this European capital.

MF: it’s a strange coincidence Donald TRUMP has many difficulties about his relations with Russia and especially their President in this dimension, Vladimir PUTIN.

VS: difficulties because Moscow sponsored him too much, I read the Internet too. Natasha was the daughter of the Russian Ambassador at the United Nations. When we came back with her in the States, it was an international ovation. Some were afraid she was dead. It was a symbol of the US and USSR friendship. They don’t know maybe in the USB, it’s still the Soviet Union in our dimension, the regime of them.

MF: to my point of view, it’s Russia and there could have been a little confusion there. The movie in the other dimension was never released. One more time, Frederic didn’t find the breakthrough.

VS: previously, it was for BrAmStOcKeR. I’m not superstitious but with DRACULA’s author name spelled differently or not, there must be possibly some supernatural effect. You could take care about it. Like a malediction.

MF: great idea, French Cop. Mr. VIDAL said I’m the manager of the band. I will audit all these bizarre things that could prevent our Debut.

VS: or the fact people are not comfortable with the name and its context of scary situations. About TRUMP, I don’t like him so much. Him and his staff, they read Frederic VIDAL, a wonderful person who has his strategy 100% Internet to compensate and they were impressed.

MF: absolutely, otherwise they have no information about us.It’s the only one who is authorized and it’s experimental.

VS: sometimes, they say WE DON’T EXIST, I’m sure.

MF: Fred, he’s still too isolated. There is this blackout. Anyway, Vince, thank you. I understand more what is the link that is not secondary because this RUSSIANGATE could destroy his Presidency. This TRUMP is fragile.

VS: I will call Natasha to ask her if she has some feedback. Thank you, President.


Mike FULLER – mikefuller2020

He has the population with him because he could be the King. He has this sense of authority that creates around him in Washington some jea-

lousy. He was elected by surprise but nobody was thinking someone else could be President. (3/3/2017)

VS: you wanted to interview me about the Russian connection, I suppose, the fact our first memorable action after we founded DARKPOL with

CIA, Patricia HUNTER & me, has been to find the location where Natasha STANISLAVSKY was living after she disappeared. MF: it’s a strange

coincidence Donald TRUMP has difficulties about his relations with Russia and especially their President in this dimension, Vladimir PUTIN. (3/4/2017)

Fred KELLY – timeframes2020

More than a MOVIE STAR, I could be a celebrity, accepting to promote some perfume, some brand, some car, some services. Invited on many red

carpets, I would be with my wife an example of what you’re looking for when you’re AMERICAN. (3/3/2017)

VS: Mr VIDAL was replaced by you, I could check when I was myself having some troubles before you rescued me! MF: I believe it was a game of

communication. He’s not dead, he’s using my name as a personal political mark. I’m proud of it. When he signs FULLER, we speak the 2 of us. (3/4/2017)

Thomas SPEARS – vidalfuller2016 :

Some stories deserve confirmation. Is it hard to believe? Is it sad to comment? It is the right way to understand what is arriving to your

HEROES : some problems always to manage with expectations. (3/3/2017)

VS: difficulties because Moscow sponsored him too much, I read the Internet too. Natasha was the daughter of the Russian Ambassador at the

United Nations. When we came back with her in the States, it was an international ovation. Some were afraid she was dead. It was a symbol. (3/4/2017)


NEW SONG. 77, we were young but not crazy, lazy maybe, not ready to be commercial, singing for the kids and the people in their 30’s a revo-

Enough, 77 was the year of the consideration of nothing except our motivation to have NO AMBITION. (3/3/2017)

VS: previously, it was for BrAmStOcKeR. I’m not superstitious but with DRACULA’s author name spelled differently or not, there must be pos-

sibly some supernatural effect. You could take care about it. Like a malediction. MF: great idea French Cop. Mr VIDAL said I’m the manager. (3/4/2017)


Vince SAUVAN (on WordPress)

“I Would Have Been Punk If I Was Born In 1977 Or Before!” Vince SAUVAN.

Freddie HAIM (on Vid)

with the link to this post:

Jonathan FOUNDERS (on Blip) :

This RussianGate is not in Stalingrad but in the USA! JF.

Gerald KLEIN (on Myspace) :

When it’s about Russia, everything’s possible. GK.

Brian SUMMERS (on LinkedIn) :

Moscow is invited to reply to the Americans who accuse it: Washington is not welcomed in Russia. BS.


Don McKENZIE (on Youtube) :

Comments on FACEBOOK :


Russia is the slow burn of the Trump administration, and it’s not going away (3/4/2017)

Nobody was so much criticized to be in touch with Russia since the movie people prosecuted by McCarthy team in the 1950’s. This time, it’s a network of VIPs in the White House environment that could be not authorized supporters of Moscow. Will the Congress about to write a blacklist of them? Mike FULLER


Trump Team’s Links to Russia Crisscross in Washington (3/4/2017)
This must be studied daily to be sure it will be a general investigation later but sooner would be the best. Russia is so attractive for which reason? It’s not personal, it’s collective like the Soviets. Capitalism from Wall Street and the Republicans of TRUMP were what Moscow wanted to copy, maybe but the Win-Win was too spectacular and probably wrong, legally speaking. Mike FULLER


Who’s who with Trump and Russia? A look at the key players (3//2017)

What they did, who they are: this team of people who are a part of President TRUMP’s entourage have another proximity that is suspect: is Russia their second partner? Mike FULLER


Who is Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador rattling Trump’s presidency? (3/3/2017)
Russian Ambassador to the UN passed away, Russian Ambassador to the US is appearing in the medias. He would have preferred not to be involved in a global issue developing a juridical and political threat around the two Presidencies he is decided to support, the long-term PUTIN one, the TRUMP’s beginning one. Mike FULLER


Les centristes de l’UDI retirent leur soutien à François Fillon (3/3/2017)

Francois FILLON n’est sur de rien mails i peut compter sur sa conviction d’être élu s’il compte continuer a être candidat. Il décidera s’il reste dans la course après la rencontre avec les juges. Il en a vue d’autres. Mike FULLER

Chapter 1: Senator’s Daughter. French Cop Exclusive Story of the First Film.

Patricia Hunter is the daughter of a Republican US Senator. She is working at the White House, for the Celebrity Department.


Supporter du President George W Bush depuis sa plus tendre enfance (son père fut un directeur de campagne de l’élection de George Bush Sr), Patricia est toujours au téléphone avec les Stars de la SAG.

Copyright 2013 FREDERIC VIDAL. Tous droits réservés.

Complete story-line:

The Magician (Tarot for The French Cop™). Number 1. Tarot card from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Published 1909. Author: Pamela Coleman Smith.

The Magician (Tarot for The French Cop™). Number 1. Tarot card from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Published 1909. Author: Pamela Coleman Smith.

FRENCH COP™ is a Story by Frederic Vidal, produced by POST-SCRIPTUM™,
10, avenue Notre-Dame, 06000 Nice, France.
Tél. 33 6 32 52 86 19.

Soundtrack by BRAMSTOCKER™.
Song #1: SUMMER (Frederic Vidal, SACEM-ASCAP).


TIMEFRAMES™ LLC is the Producer, the distributor and the copyright manager of The FRENCH COP™ and BRAMTOCKER™ in the United States of America.

Fred Kelly: this double franchise is dedicated to old LOUISIANA, the French Territory that Napoleon sold to the United States on Saturday, April 30, 1803. There, the French spirit is still active and the story of the French Cop with its music, very popular.

LOUISIANA includes 13 present States of the Union:

1. LOUISIANA State, the Land of the Chapter 1: SENATOR’S DAUGHTER.

Author: US Department of Interior, US Geological Survey.

Author: US Department of Interior, US Geological Survey.

Chapter 2: French Police. French Cop Exclusive Story of the First Film.

Vincent is a French policeman who decides to settle down in the United States of America after a great career and the project to find stolen paintings of his parents.


Affecté à Paris, Vincent fréquente la Caisse des dépôts (CDC) pour des dossiers de contrôle de la clientèle. Il préfère rejoindre une brigade d’intervention urbaine pour lutter contre la délinquance.

Copyright 2013 FREDERIC VIDAL. Tous droits réservés.

Complete story-line:

The High Priestress (Tarot for The French Cop™). Number 2. Tarot card from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Published 1909. Author: Pamela Coleman Smith.

The High Priestess (Tarot for The French Cop™). Number 2. Tarot card from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Published 1909. Author: Pamela Coleman Smith.

FRENCH COP™ is a Story by Frederic Vidal, produced by POST-SCRIPTUM™,
10, avenue Notre-Dame, 06000 Nice, France.
Tél. 33 6 32 52 86 19.

Soundtrack by BRAMSTOCKER™.
Song #2: OF MY LIFE (Frederic Vidal, SACEM-ASCAP).


TIMEFRAMES™ LLC is the Producer, the distributor and the copyright manager of The FRENCH COP™ and BRAMTOCKER™ in the United States of America.

Fred Kelly: this double franchise is dedicated to old LOUISIANA, the French Territory that Napoleon sold to the United States on Saturday, April 30, 1803. There, the French spirit is still active and the story of the French Cop with its music, very popular.

LOUISIANA includes 13 present States of the Union:

2. ARKANSAS, the Land of the Chapter 2: FRENCH POLICE.

Author: US Department of Interior, US Geological Survey.

Author: US Department of Interior, US Geological Survey.

Chapter 3: Love at The White House. French Cop Exclusive Story of the First Film.

Vincent has a first touch with Patricia in her office in Washington. They fall in love at first sight and plan to see each other again.


Juif d’adoption ainsi que ses parents dont l’oncle et la tante avaient péri à Auschwitz après qu’on leur ait volé des tableaux de maîtres dans le cadre des spoliations juives, Vincent est à la Maison Blanche pour contester la propriété d’un Picasso exposé au MET (Metropolitan Museum of Art). Patricia s’intéresse plus à ses beaux yeux très hispaniques.

Copyright 2013 FREDERIC VIDAL. Tous droits réservés.

Complete story-line:

The Empress (Tarot for The French Cop™). Number 3. Tarot card from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Published 1909. Author: Pamela Coleman Smith.

The Empress (Tarot for The French Cop™). Number 3. Tarot card from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Published 1909. Author: Pamela Coleman Smith.

FRENCH COP™ is a Story by Frederic Vidal, produced by POST-SCRIPTUM™,
10, avenue Notre-Dame, 06000 Nice, France.
Tél. 33 6 32 52 86 19.

Soundtrack by BRAMSTOCKER™.
Song #3: MICHAEL (Frederic Vidal, SACEM-ASCAP).


TIMEFRAMES™ LLC is the Producer, the distributor and the copyright manager of The FRENCH COP™ and BRAMTOCKER™ in the United States of America.

Fred Kelly: this double franchise is dedicated to old LOUISIANA, the French Territory that Napoleon sold to the United States on Saturday, April 30, 1803. There, the French spirit is still active and the story of the French Cop with its music, very popular.

LOUISIANA includes 13 present States of the Union:

3. OKLAHOMA, the Land of the Chapter 3: LOVE AT THE WHITE HOUSE.

Author: US Department of Interior, US Geological Survey.

Author: US Department of Interior, US Geological Survey.

Chapter 4: Dating in DC. French Cop Exclusive Story of the First Film.

In one of the best restaurants of the District of Columbia, the couple celebrates a first date and thinks about the future together.


Patricia aime les déjeuners chics et l’intelligentsia du tout Washington, Républicain et Démocrate. Elle connaît un club proche du Congrès où les grands du Parti se retrouvent pour s’exprimer. Le dîner est un dating, le tête à tête est prolongé, le garçon et la fille s’entendent. George Bush est informé.

Copyright 2013 FREDERIC VIDAL. Tous droits réservés.

The Emperor (Tarot for The French Cop™). Number 4. Tarot card from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Published 1909. Author: Pamela Coleman Smith.

The Emperor (Tarot for The French Cop™). Number 4. Tarot card from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Published 1909. Author: Pamela Coleman Smith.

FRENCH COP™ is a Story by Frederic Vidal, produced by POST-SCRIPTUM™,
10, avenue Notre-Dame, 06000 Nice, France.
Tél. 33 6 32 52 86 19.

Soundtrack by BRAMSTOCKER™.
Song #4: I KNOW WHY (Frederic Vidal, SACEM-ASCAP).


TIMEFRAMES™ LLC is the Producer, the distributor and the copyright manager of The FRENCH COP™ and BRAMTOCKER™ in the United States of America.

Fred Kelly: this double franchise is dedicated to old LOUISIANA, the French Territory that Napoleon sold to the United States on Saturday, April 30, 1803. There, the French spirit is still active and the story of the French Cop with its music, very popular.

LOUISIANA includes 13 present States of the Union:

4. COLORADO, the Land of the Chapter 4: DATING IN DC.

Author: US Department of Interior, US Geological Survey.

Author: US Department of Interior, US Geological Survey.