First published on Twitter

On WordPress by MIKE FULLER and Frederic Vidal, the same Man with 2 names and one only goal: TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES plus having a Wife (Jessie Andrews) and money to finance their campaign with Fundraising. The article is about INDEPENDENCE OF CALIFORNIA IF YOU DON’T LIKE MY CAREER: IVth REICH AND PORN PUNK! NEVADA AND ARIZONA WILL JOIN OUR CONFEDERATION! This is it, read it now with me writing it.

Man from 25: Final Countdown. and Velvet Eyes: Conspiracy are the 2 new light novels to film for the Web but it is expensive and there is also the Presidential campaign of their author Frederic Vidal alias Mike Fuller. So, Timeframes proposes on WordPress an episode of reality: while Jonathan Founders, the Velvet Eyes, is in Orlando investigating, after the shooting that killed 49 LGBTs, about ISIS and its network of supports in America, Frederic Vidal, himself hero of The Man From 25, is threatening the Federation of a comeback of the Confederation system that has been used by the old South to organize their military fight against Washington a long time ago. This time, there won’t be a war and a secession but just a dispute and a transformation.

The Man From 25 is a science fiction character of reality who traveled in time from 2025 to 2016 to be the leader of the change that was necessary, represented mainly by the emancipation and the empowerment of the State of California, the new locomotive of the United States. A great number of United States are disabled and collapsing because they are isolated and Washington is doing nothing to help them. Unemployment and immigration disorders, because Latinos and the blacks, are huge. These US of under-development could be helped by the USB, the United States of Business but Washington prevents sponsoring for all, including the authorities. So, only California and its worldwide fame, replacing the previous autonomy of Texas for its diplomacy, has a STRONG ECONOMY.


McGee Mountain and Mount Morrison of the Sherwin Range of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, as seen from Benton Crossing in the Long Valley Caldera. (Wikipedia)

It’s what we need. It was obvious the Country was poor since the Wall Street, real estate and credit crisis of 2008 because the White House was unable to propose another economy policy. Unfortunately in California, Hollywood and the movie industry were devastated by a sickness about politics (corruption), a lot of actors, directors and producers deciding to be kind of ‘slaves’ of the new President Obama. Frederic Vidal was known as a super hero and politician MIKE FULLER, a superior man from another dimension where the USA are really the USA according to him and his society, he’s already President there. In 2016, it was not possible for him to succeed to be in the press in May and June as Washington was preventing him to be in touch with the medias, supported by the bad Hollywood. So he proposed: the impeachment of President Obama and the independence of California if Washington refuses the candidacy of Mike Fuller alias Frederic Vidal and confirming consequently there is no hope to see one day Los Angeles to be the capitale of culture and the arts.

For the independence, it would be necessary to quit the Federation and to become an independent State with a seat at the United Nations and a foreign policy. Also, a partnership with the 49 other States would have to be negotiated for exportations or importations. This must be too extreme, another solution: a light confederation of several sites of the West, Nevada and Arizona first and a revendication about another policy scheduling more connections between East and West.

So let’s recapitulate: WE ARE THE SUBCULTURE on the Internet, the Global One with the important duty to change the world.

– First the federation meaning Washington, DC acknowledges the State of California was right on May 27 to certify my candidacy, to validate I am a Presidential candidate like any other else even being an immigrant because there is a CONSTITUTIONAL EXCEPTION regarding me: normally people not born cannot be President. I CAN, I WAS BORN IN FRANCE BUT I AM A HERO OF MY NEW COUNTRY, FOR WHAT I WROTE ON THE WEB, I PROPOSED TO IMPROVE OUR HISTORY. I AM a NEW GEORGE WASHINGTON, the 2nd one, a historic personality but Young and Fair, close to the Subculture when the mainstream is brainwashing badly the disabled and delinquent population.

On Twitter tonight Mike Fuller:

it’s a defeat for the ones who were thinking the election cast was ready already. There is nothing sure until now. Trump is not the opinion polls winner when there are ballots. Ted Cruz, #1 in Iowa, has the same problem than me: he was not born on the US territory.
Hillary Clinton is kind of weak tonight, even #1.

Bernie Sanders succeeds to show she has a strong opposition in her own Democratic party. She cannot win like that in November. If it continues, it will show she’s not really the favorite of the Americans at all. So the Primaries are on their way and Rubio is strong enough to represent more than ever the social side of the Republican Party and it’s very good for Immigration.

But we must appreciate the Iowa Caucuses did not give us this time the name of the next President of the United States. It is a tradition that the voters did not follow this time. Unfortunately, the suspense will continue even after the Super Tuesday in March.

As a very probable new candidate in the Race starting the competition in April for the New York State Primary, I can say it is necessary to know that Donald Trump will continue to be a terrible threat for the Washington establishment as he is very popular in America.

Regarding me, Mike Fuller alias Frederic Vidal, I want to associate this Intelligentsia to my strategy of organizing a new distribution of the Power in DC and nationwide. Not only must the Federation govern this Nation. In every State, the Republican Party has to prepare the next step: A REAL CHANGE we did not get in 2008.

The Democrats can be sure they will be invited to participate in my Presidency. To modernize this Country, to reform it, we need to be smarter and UNITED, Reps and Dems, beginning January 2017.

In the District of Columbia, we will enjoy the comeback of the CONSTITUTION with an UPGRADE Amendment and a New Deal like before: to have back our AMERICAN DREAM and to say bye to the present disabled America.

We can make it and this is THE CHALLENGE, to be or not to be the Leaders of the World with our Economy and our Military. There is no other world presently. By the way, I am optimistic: WE ARE THE USA. We have a crisis like always we had in our History. I am sure we will find the way to forget it together with EMPLOYMENT, SOLIDARITY and CREATIVITY. Afterwards, no more!

Let’s start now the countdown before New York, the City of September 11 but, first, the City of September 10, my birthday, for the real beginning of these Primaries, a little late this year! New York, my friend since 1993. Every year I was there TO CELEBRATE PASSOVER with the Jewish Community. No more racism, no more segregation, no more.

This is it. I can tell you we are together and let’s continue to follow the first round. Next: NEW HAMPSHIRE. All other candidates are very welcomed. Que le meilleur gagne.

Thank you.

Frederic Vidal aka Mike Fuller.

Have a good night.

This morning on Twitter

After the Iowa Caucuses, there is a feeling November is far away. We are in the race anyway.

vidal1The Change: it is what we propose. Reforms, projects are necessary to modernize our Country.

fullerWho will win in New Hampshire and afterwards? Opinion polls appear weak to give the results?

kellySo let’s be following the candidates on TV and newspapers, they are motivqted enough to win.

spiersThere is nobody like population to decide who can be the next President. People vote right.

vidal2aMy purpose now is to take the time to be creative and free enough to share new propositions

fuller2aTomorrow’s not far away but it happens step by step power to diffuse new Leadership opinion.

kelly 2We all believe in Change to improve our daily life but also permanent conditions of living.

spears2I want to be a locomotive of the campaign but it’s not possible right now. I’m isolated 50%.

vidalFeb. 3, my strategy is now to reduce my Internet communication to increase the Society one.

fullerToo many people still would see me well obliged to go back to France. Not at all. It’s 2nd

X6PXK_1N82CSpart, after almost 4 months of political networking on location in US, that begins today. We

spearshave to reinforce our image, our reputation but also our organization and strategy to commu-

vidal4Snicate faster, stronger, smarter. Our candidacy’s light, not heavy. We don’t need to be loud

fullerAAgainst the 2 future towers of prestige and political fame, probably Clinton and still Trump

kellyAa newcomer who has so many supports (why?) but fragile reality voting content, HERE WE ARE.


spears4This session of comics dedicated 2 my political expression with Kelly, Fuller and Spears names was great. Thanks. FV





Let’s be space time and scifi. Today, 1/17 on Twitter

Q&A following the great April 16 Mike Fuller candidacy speech.

Q: Hi Mike Fuller. Why this long break between your speech and now. Did you need a pause?
MF: no, I just wanted to feel free not to continue the speech.
Q: now that you are candidate, Mike, do you think there is going to be some change in the results of the polls, do you see you leader of the race?
MF: well, everything’s possible but I believe it will be longer than that. Ted and Hillary or anyway the guy are strong enough to continue their boring duet that nobody cares, except you journalists! (laughs)
Q: so, you gonna stay a little candidate or do you still schedule to be President. In that case, you must be a lot supported by the public opinion.
MF: we will see. I will be elected but before I will have difficulties to prevail in the magazines. Bill Clinton’s wife is there, at the top, since 2008 almost. You remember she was the favorite to be elected. It would have been 8 years of Hillary Clinton and not Barack Obama. This one doesn’t support her a lot by the way. Me, Mike Fuller, I need a supporter, I deserve it. Do you have a name to give me?
Q: your wife (but you are not married maybe)? I mean, we know she’s your supporter #1. I have no idea of another great name like her. Possibly, another actress, I’m kidding or more simply a Donald Trump competitor.
MF: you mean in the business?
Q: exactly. I know Warren Buffett supports Obama, you have still the CEO of Coca-Cola!! You were in Atlanta again mid-January?
MF: right.
Q: it was your headquarters at that time, like for CNN.
MF: why not?
Q: sure.

Q&A after Mike Fuller speech April 16 – 2016 continues.
MF: more seriously, in fact (but anyway I appreciate your idea about Coke CEO) I was there mainly for Martin Luther King. He’s really my king for politics like Elvis is the equivalent for music.

Q: he’s African-American!
MF: Martin? Sure, he is. I don’t like Obama not for the color of his skin. Some people think I’m black, they call me brother! They were so much excluded of a lot of things, here in America. It’s not fair, you know. If you were in Africa, you would not like to be a slave, right or treated like an animal. I don’t know why our race, more than our civilization had this bad style to consider others like zeros.
Q: it’s your IVth Reich project also that is totally pro-Jews.
MF: that’s it, sir. Martin Luther King Jr represents for me the vice-President I will never have. He was more than a Nobel Prize, the Einstein of Human Rights. I propose for my Presidency a Secretary of the Minorities. The black people deserve a Federal social and financial ovation.
Q: what you mean?
MF: we have not a lot of money but we can share it better. When I see the homeless problem, not especially in Atlanta, my girl would almost scream!! It’s not acceptable. This is a priority of my mandate: home, sweet home for everybody, no shelter necessary. This is a midwest issue but also for the 2 coasts. We must be one in America, one time for all.
Q: One time for all, we like you Mike when you have this conviction. Martin Luther King was a son of Atlanta?
MF: yes, I think so. He died in Memphis, in 1968, close to Nashville, my other key-city 2015 with Elvis who was from Memphis. Everything is connected. Don’t say Rock’n Rollers were racists. You doing a confusion. Chuck Berry: black.

Legendary Bramstocker: 30,046 views. Mike Fuller Q&A Part 2.

Q: Mike, I have a question about economy, you are so social, you also cultural, what about our firms? Crisis?
Mike: thank you to give me the opportunity to speak about the question that is obviously the crucial one: money (that’s what we want) – laughs. I think our Country is too miserable now, DISABLED partly. It’s not only social, it’s economic. Reagan created the Reaganomics with his team, let’s do the same. Let’s have a book of doctrines and rules
to interfere with the economy. It’s not only Wall Street, it’s the market, the offer and the demand, the production.
We are lucky, we have not too much inflation. We have unemployement, a sickness, the cure: NEW JOBS. I have like that the solution to the crisis. CONTINUING FORMATION: a job to study, FOR THE YOUNG, also a little for the old if they deserve it. Washington, me, we will finance partly these new jobs with the companies like Ford, AT&T, all brands
invited. What do you think? More money to buy products in the families and the young will study for their career their business. No Republican propose that smart principle, no democrat wants to be Roosevelt again. What is behind this. The Federation has more than the right, the duty to support the economy when necessary. Wall Street is down
and Barack’s candidates are like military who explain a President is a President, the supreme man. What about the others? They want a man-ager, a manager, an advisor, almost a banker & an employer. But a Liberal one.
Q: impressive.

Mike Fuller Q&A part 3. ‘How a comic book hero can be President.’

Q: a satirical question, Mike, all of that, is it serious?
MF: are you kidding. I’m not a joke. What is true is that I am a newcomer in politics, junior, guest also a comedian, a song and screen writer. As an actor and a performer, I feel comfortable to play the role of a honest man like Mr Smith of Capra who goes to the White House to change the bureaucracy and routine for no more deja vu. French native, my friend Coluche did the contrary, presidential candidate there with his real name Michel Colucci. He was our national Jerry Lewis or Woody Allen and possible future President, back to daily serious life like everybody. I am more a Tom Cruise or a Justin Bieber who take it not too much seriously, just what is necessary. Nobody else did it before. George Clooney, Ben Affleck produced films including politics, Sean Penn as a journalist, Paul Newman for social, charities gave great example of Hollywood. All, they would like, too busy they are or not ambitious enough or it’s a destiny subject. I am here and not famous or mainstream before. It’s OK like that. Let’s intensify. I will have the team, the lieutenants like Roosevelt to be pertinent at the highest level. We can make it. Reps and Dems need a new Nader, a Show Business one, for actors, directors and producers to express their karma that is solidarity and progress, rock back to Woodstock. Eventually! We have a rendezvous with history in November.
Q: more!

Mike Fuller Q&A continues.

Q: in January in Atlanta, you confirmed the choice of your 16 basic propositions that are controversial for a lot of people and even surprising. What can you tell us about them?
MF: a nationwide database to fight against terrorism included in a World War III, to continue to refuse more than ever any kind of Nazism, to promote the expansion of a 3rd party in America to cancel bipolarism that is a sickness in the brain, to imagine France as a 51st State of our beloved Union because Washington could not succeed without Lafayette, it is not at all measures and projects to underestimate. These 16 propositions and the 4 main ones that organize them in 4 groups are the basics of my general program, at the highest strategical level to win in 2016 and in 2020 with my successor.
Q: are you confirming you will not run for a second mandate?
MF: absolutely. It is my jurisprudence like I propose an amendment for the constitution of the United States to invite the new immigrants to really join the American society.
Q: why?
MF: yes, I am the anti-Putin (laughs) but I like Vladimir and his Country is my guest.
Q: I see.

Mike Fuller Q&A 4/16/2016, on Twitter 3 months before! (space time and scifi).
Back tonight for a new subject: the Republican party.

Q: so, Mike you are not participating in the Republican primaries?
MF: in fact, I was not in Desmoines, Iowa for the Caucuses but right now I am scheduling to be candidate for the remaining States beginning now and first in New York in 3 days, April 19.
Q: it’s surprise. You were managing your campaign until now as an indie candidate, outside the GOP.
MF: I start to be candidate TODAY, April 16, I was preparing my candidacy until now. Today, it’s its declaration. I could have not succeeded. I informed on Twitter, December 31st, I was recommending to vote Hillary Clinton if I was not candidate.
Q: this was to punish the Republicans to refuse your political career?
MF: no. An investigation is in progress to know why they were not friendly in the 2000’s, George Bush obviously is sadly against my career, he’s wrong. Voters only decide. Parties must give the possibility to all motivated supporters to be elected by them.
Q: after a selection, the primary.
MF: exactly. I have the new concept of GOP2 to modernize a grand very old party, unable to criticize the Bush presidency that was very wrong and bad for America. REAGAN, REAGAN and LINCOLN must be our values only. The present chaos with Trump, a guest who wants to govern the party, it’s a gift of the retarded Bush with the nasty Obama. My goal: to be Trump apprentice to tell him: YOU’RE FIRED, in NEW YORK in 3 days.
Q: see you there!!!

Statue of Liberty seen from the Circle Line ferry, Manhattan, New York

Statue of Liberty seen from the Circle Line ferry, Manhattan, New York

Q&A Mike Fuller. On Twitter 1/18/2016.

Q: So you were in Atlanta, January 18 for Martin Luther King Day?
MF: yes and I saw how much the Americans were not anymore the same, looking sad and somewhere else. 8 years of this low Presidency must have been toxic for them. The King was a great figure of our history books but he was not anymore famous for his fight for the end of segregation. There was a malaise (it’s a French word) and a malaise around me.

Q: the US authorities did not help you to be popular, right?
MF: from the beginning in the 2000’s, I felt like I was not so much welcomed, impossible to meet a girl during Bush, threats on my house, no jobs then with Obama, worse to some extent, no more house and flat population. The authorities appeared unable to change this negative reality.

Q: then the King Day!?
MF: exactly and my decision to have a new strategy and a new plan. It’s really the USB here and not at all the USA. There are new organizations, decentralized, inspired by nonprofits, forming networks. They began to be excited by me when I spoke about being GOP candidate (GOP2) in the New York State, April 19 then the 26 in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island.

Q: your participation changes something?
MF: it changes a lot. It’s a pass for press, TV and public opinion that is waiting for beaucoup of social improvement. I can explain for them. With my human networks like anti-crimes mafias, I prepared my revenge: the NEWCOMER WAS a VETERAN, I am!

Q: A last word?
MF: with me, immigrants and their children will be represented 100% better and more than with Marco Rubio who is like Obama with blacks: A FAKE BROTHER. Solidarity is sacred for me! MEXICANS FIRST!!!!

Q: and Africans too!!

Mike Fuller Q&A. 1/19/2016 on Twitter

Mike: I’m gonna allow you to ask for several more questions. Who’s next?

Q: what about the Army?
MF: The Army, it’s our Federal Club for Military. They are excellent, Just, they could improve their style.

Q: What you mean?
MF: I want them more present, more associated to the population. They look outside the system. We need soldiers in charge.

Q: the National Guard?
MF: All of us. US Navy, the Air Force, US Army, Marines have the right and the duty to be more popular and integrated.

Q: risk of war?
MF: there is a war against the poverty, here. Generals & troops can have strategies and share them with us. Also, in the economy progression, crisis was not general but localized sickness, the US Army-Air Force-Navy could be structured like a consortium to produce more energy for the XXIst century takeoff, what I call.

Q: it’s a reform and a budget increase?
MF: yes, I will propose to the Congress more funds for the Army and with the Pentagon, I will start a study: how to get our Country totally well mooded and UNITED in this stupid WWIII vs terrorism and e-conspiracies. DESTABILIZATION deserves counter-measures that are IDEOLOGICAL.

Q: so, the ones who say you’re a dissident are wrong.
MF: totally, I’m an Eagle and my main purpose is INTEGRITY and FEDERATION. I’m an artist but not full time. It’s my difference with Rep candidates. Did you see one military with them? No way. Military don’t threat the vote, they support it. It’s our US tradition to have them at our side. Military and Uniforms: Eisenhower. We’re not anymore in the 90’s. Invite them in the campaign!

Q: sure, it’s great.
MF: thank you for this question about the Army.

Q: your speech was an introduction to your program we appreciate your comments about other points. Basically, do you have a checklist of actions connected to the 16 + 4 propositions?
MF: I think so. Let me tell you. I think, first, we have TO REDUCE POVERTY that is crucial really. Less homeless people, to empower employment, to reinforce family, that’s it. Then, secondly, TO IMPROVE ECONOMY is a project that is huge. A lot more Continuing Formation for the young and the old too is a key solution for our companies. We need an organigram of our economy. Who does what. Also a priority, TO INCREASE SECURITY with, new idea of mine, the socialization of the Military, soldiers are not only on the battlefield, this one can be a PR one and social. It’s to cancel WWIII effects in America and not only, to attract synergies. I see a fourth objective: TO DEVELOP UNIVERSITY. There, the Scientific Research must be a Nation sacred activity with more credits and the knowledge CULTURE always prevails. I want to INSPIRE POLITICS, this is the 5th track, the concept and networking activity of GOP2 is brilliant: everybody has a subsidiary. It’s like MTV2, an updated/upgraded program, basic one not obsolete but.

Q: obviously. These 4 directions of government are well explained. On the other hand, what makes you the perfect anti-Trump according to the buzz you are real?
MF: (laughs) he’s too much a non-event. I’m sincere (but same style?)

Q: don’t you think you’re not a little late, it’s Desmoines in less than two weeks now?
MF: no, not at all. We had to be sure the offer was weak and build our product in a second time to compensate. This election is a puzzle, of 50 States for sure but also of 50 opinions or more. We are here to federate the motivations of everybody for an ALTERNATE PRESIDENCY with a CONGRESS TEAMWORK. This is the deal. Now 2 States, soon NEW YORK!

Q: and California?
MF: California next, California on my mind. You are right. There, I will organize my TASKFORCE. A group to be sure we are zero corruption and 100% nonprofit. Ethics first and otherwise COORDINATION of the offer of content. Mass Media are commercial, you know. They’re our press attache. Our relations will be to be complementary.

Q: when?
MF: it’s a question of synchro.

Q: sure but why Tennessee and Georgia now?
MF: we don’t speak enough about these 2 States like other States of the Midwest, they have to be more famous!

Q: you are a social worker with no ambition except to be the new Nader?
MF: thanks. I’m for an indie candidacy, it’s always better to have a third choice.

Mike Fuller Q&A. 1/20/2016.

Q: 3 months ago, it was also the death of David Bowie?
MF: obviously, he was my ‘Laughing Gnome’ of the 1970’s, a pretty Santa Claus to offer me Hollywood as a Xmas gift. It gave me the ambition to be a songwriter after the Beatles.

Q: the troubles in Hollywood before the Oscars about African-Americans make me think about minorities problems?
MF: exactly: there are ethnic and cultural minorities. I told you Black people and Hispanic ones are two communities I want to empower but what about CULTURAL AND SOCIAL MINORITIES?

Q: what about them?
MF: a of good things. I consider myself a part of them. The majority is the mainstream. Our Country is strong thanks to the intellectuals. They are the avantgarde, part of the R&D, research and development, artists, right now are not at all enough accepted.

Q: they are quite different sometimes, eccentric?
MF: for sure, they are not routine guys. They give to our show biz our background, important for our international fame and social entertainment.

Q: 1st, the LGBT movement?
MF: correct. In January, I decided to join it definitely. Basically, I am bisexual (starting my career as a Glam Rock artist when I was a teen). THERE MUST BE NO GHETTO AT ALL IN AMERICA. We have 4 years to prove it. Take it or leave it. My club/network GOP2 is for LGBT and other minorities TO BE PROUD TO BE REP (ex-Dems welcomed).

Q: you’re not afraid to finish like Milk?
MF: not at all. Violence is a solution for nothing, we must manage MODERNITY. I help Republicans to welcome the 2 extremes: Army and LGBT, to accept we are a Nation of DIVERSITY. For the Democrats, I am their Tea Party. These two and their candidates don’t deal enough with REAL AND NEW ISSUES, not only for the young. All citizens deserve a future well prepared by political elite. If not possible, don’t accuse future but elite.

Q: you were a Punk in 76-77?
MF: everybody knows that. I was even in Europe. After the Glam, I continued to stay alternate but I never attacked the mainstream. We are together like Ying and Yang living in HARMONY.

Q: thanks. 

MF: I’m sure. I remember in January, there was a terrorist attack in Pakistan just after MLK Day, a reminder WE HAD TO BE QUICK. We still are with all minorities and the majority I hope. WEB IS MINORITY by the way, a high tech one.


Q: so in January, you decided to be back in LA?
MF: I don’t know why we are still speaking about January but it’s true it was the last days before Iowa Caucuses. I decided not to go there, I was not on time.

Q: some said you were with Trump?
MF: I am not his enemy. He’s too far right but he improves the debate. He’s for a change.

Q: another minority you are supporting is the Weed network in America?
MF: we have to be sure this illegal drugs question can be understood and rehabilitated a more efficient way. IT’S A MEDICAL PROBLEM, WEED. A federal regulation could be fine. All these people authorized in certain States to smoke marijuana, they are sick, it’s their medication. I am for reforms, IMPROVEMENT OF OUR LAWS, Otherwise it’s a bad status quo.

Q: so, a Fed law?
MF: and for the hard drugs (heroin, Cocaine), a study by the CDC and a program to cure the clients of these powders. It’s also medical. Doctors must participate in a treatment that will be nationwide. TO CONTROL IS TO CURE. To destroy is to kill.

Q: is El Chapo a killer?
MF: I don’t know him. He’s too famous anyway. Drug dealers always existed. Hispanic America is the location where all these drugs are produced. If it’s sold in the US, the US will reply by a new system of prevention-repression with MEDICAL REPRESSION of every victim, repression of their use of heroin-cocaine.

Q: to stop this use or reduce it step by step?
MF: the US Congress will decide but my recommendation is not to let them alone. I’m not a politician but all my life I studied politics. It’s a revolution if we succeed to have this Country DRUG FREE, it doesn’t mean without drugs, it means without new possible innocent victims, people not sick.

Q: it’s a project that is fair and attractive. It’s about communication.
MF: it’s about self-confidence.

Q: smart.

Mike Fuller Q&A. ABOUT ISIS. 1/20/2016

Q: Ted Cruz was born in Canada?
MF: and me in France, according to History, Lafayette too. We share this foreign origin.

Q: but Canada and France are more than neighbors of the USA.
MF: right, they are possible 51st States! – laughs –

Q: what will happen after April if you are in the race?
MF: people don’t want Trump, Clinton, Cruz or Rubio. They will think about me to be a Joker, a junior candidate to be elected BECAUSE I WILL FOLLOW THEIR OPINIONS. I will stay close to the polls during every month of my mandate and will govern WITH THE AMERICANS not against them. They will be invited to THE STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS to participate in the yearly speech to the Congress.

Q: what about ISIS and Iraq?
MF: Camp David conference will be proposed to Syria and Iraq to sign a peace Treaty with UN control. It’s possible with Israel agreement and Europe as a guest partner in diplomacy.

Q: in 2017.
MF: it’s not dreaming, it’s networking. The United States cannot accept chaos anymore in the middle-East. We are hosts to finish wars, like WWII or Vietnam. There A STATUS QUO IS NECESSARY. ISIS will accept to calm down.

Q: Ok.
MF: more questions about foreign issues or back in the USA?

Q: let’s check with you, how many more questions do you accept?
MF: let’s say 3. In January, I prepared this press conference to last 2 hours. I was right. Thanks US press.


MF: if there no question right now, it’s about Adult Entertainment, I would like to tell you now.

Q: you are a filmmaker and a novelist on the web Mr. Fuller, it’s about your project GERMAN SPY?
MF: it’s in general. you know I didn’t succeed for 10 years to shoot one movie in Hollywood. (laughs) So I tried to know why.

Q: why?
MF: frankly speaking, there is a sexual problem in America. We are in 2016, it’s the New Age. We must study Freud.

Q: Adult Entertainment, it’s about porn?
MF: exactly. It’s not normal repression against it. The only thing: IT’S FOR ADULTS. According to me, I have a PhD in communication studies, IT’S A THERAPY necessary for couples and single males & females. So, no ghetto for them, it’s a minority too. These films and websites deserve a PROTECTION status.

Q: are they included in Hollywood?
MF: there is the adult entertainment and the teenage culture. Hollywood is the movie industry. The mainstream includes teenage culture and beyond, it’s adult entertainment without porn. Porn is not in the mainstream, it’s sexual content but it’s not something horrible or to refuse. It’s a part of our culture in the US.

Q: so, porn is not a shame?
MF: and it’s not a drug. It’s about films to respect and appreciate if you need them. In Hollywood, regular actors appear to have problems with sex and love, too much pressure. People want HARMONY, no medias or politics hostages. More solidarity, less industry for more art, it’s the goal: ENTERTAINMENT.

From Nashville, Frederic Vidal Dedicates To Jessie Andrews His Top Song ‘Silly, Nice and Porn Star’ And Wants Her In His Film 15/16.

For 15/16, new Google Site, created this evening:

Lyrics of Silly, Nice and Porn Star
by Frederic Vidal (ASCAP)

You are a part of the minorities,

you look like nobody else and you shine,

you wait for nothing else than more famme

but your fame is social and not only commercial.

Silly, Nice and Porn Star,

Lovely, smart and fine celebrity.

They consider you too undergroumd,

connected to weed and LGBT,

I can swear you are a punk

more civic than anyone.

I will see you in LA

for a first touch and a final relationship.

Silly, Nice and Porn Star by BRAMSTOCKER and Fred Kelly,

Since the equivalent landing in Baltimore, October 16, a lot of new articles were written by Frederic Vidal from the United States. After 4 years in France, it was necessary to build the equivalent of a business plan and a strategy in our style not possible to imitate. It’s a Tweet at 8:30am, from Nashville, that informed of the dedication to Jesssie Andrews. The young model, DJ and porn star was first time featured on this blog around July 1, 2014. Frederic Vidal also wants Jessie to be co-lead of short film 15/16.

Now in Nashville, located on Music Row, Frederic Vidal enjoys a permanent MIDEM of the American Music Industry, is going to join BMI after ASCAP-SACEM membership low. 2015 is finishing with goal meeting Jessie Andrews in Los Angeles in December. The year really began with the ‘Ready, Steady, Go’ of April, May, June with Cannes Film Festival and MIDEM.

Frederic Vidal is more than a fan of adult entertainment, it’s a part of his ideology and even political program for the Presidency. He recorded last Spring a ‘celebrity sex tape’ to proove it. Then last Summer, composition and recording of the 12 songs of ‘President of the States’ for BRAMSTOCKER. This was a massive artistic gift to the year. Then, in September, preparation of the mission with objective: to be in Desmoines and previously in the medias and on the market. Study of the landing of the US troops in France in June 1944 and their fight until Berlin.

Year began with project GERMAN SPY III, Thomas Spears in the 2000’s. Still in progress but priority is Mike Fuller Q & A: 15/16, fifteen sixteen, our new university year. And to succeed to be with Jessie Andrews and to film 15/16 in 4 days, in Iowa all at once.

Jessie Andrews, more than a diva, a super hero like me.


Without or with clothes, she's always a great woman who have no competitor, she's my queen. FV about Jessie Andrews.

Without or with clothes, she’s always a great woman who has no competitor, she’s my queen. FV about Jessie Andrews.


On Twitter, yesterday, Sunday 11/30/2015.

Dear Jessie: I am so glad I will be in LA beginning December. I want so much to see you there. Frederic Vidal

Your management never replied to my gmails. So let’s be in touch directly. We could meet at Pig’n Whistle Hollywood.

I have project short film 15/16 about fashion & civism, main role for you. We could film it mid-December in 4 days.

Regarding budget I’m excited to be in process to get compensation $1M for unlawful house short sale, 6218 Rockcliff.

I’m in Nashville, performing songs for music biz since mid-Nov. Music scene to be reformed, good impact 4 me. FV

You’re a disc jockey inspiring me new ideas all the time when I play my 12 songs or not. FV

Monday, Nov 30.

From Nashville, Frederic Vidal dedicates to Jessie Andrews his top song ‘Silly, Nice and Porn Star’. Watch it 15/16

The Silly, Nice and Porn Star is Jessie Andrews according to author of the song Frederic Vidal who wants her iconic.


November 29, 2015: 15/16, film organization

15/16: 2 Years That Concluded United States Formula 1 For Another System Of Power And Administration.

November 28, 2015: Message to the Guilds.

Messages To The 4 Hollywood Guilds: I Will Be In Los Angeles Before Christmas To Start The Production Of 15/16, Mike Fuller Q & A. Signed Frederic Vidal, President Of Timeframes LLC,

November 26, 2015: The Thanksgiving letter.

My Letter To Hillary Clinton For Her To Recommend Me To Be In The Press. Frederic Vidal Is Mike Fuller.

 November 24, 2015: happy Thanksgiving messages.

November 22, 2015: 15/16, first presentation environment synopsis.

15/16, Fifteen Slash Sixteen: 2 Years Together For A President To Be In Charge In 17, Frederic Vidal Who Is Also Mike Fuller For A Semi-Fictional Short Film To Be Produced By Timeframes LLC, This December In Desmoines, Iowa And Released In January Before The Caucuses!

November 20, 2015: first concert Bramstocker at Idle Hour.

IN 1 YEAR VOTE MIKE FULLER, because you want a 3rd solution: GOP2. BRAMSTOCKER Starring Fred Kelly for President of the States CD COUNTRY PUNK IN NASHVILLE, TN FOR THANKSGIVING

November 18, 2015: new study about blacklisting.

Am I The Snowden In America? After Charlie Sheen HIV Positive, We Can Check This Is A Country That Anti-Support And Sometimes Destroy Its Stars. I Reply By A New Business Plan By Frederic Vidal.

November 14, 2015: a mini press release.

A Press Reminder. Frederic Vidal Writes To The Journalists: I’m Waiting For You More Than Ever!

November 4, 2015: Political, business and cultural plan for Nashville.

FRED KELLY: Nashville For BRAMSTOCKER, My Still Active Dead Punk Band From 77, Is Like The Country In 2 Parts, Conservatives And Moderates.

October 30, 2015: a reminder, French Cop is still our Timeframes franchise #1 film.

Before GERMAN SPY pre-production in 2016, The 6 Parts Of FRENCH COP: BLACKOUT Synopsis Are Now The Basics Of The TIMEFRAMES Universe Upgrade About The USA Presidency As We Still Live In The USB.

October 29, 2015: in French, for a reform of Vth Republic there.

L’Article Additionnel Doit Permettre A La France De Changer De Régime Avant 2017: Une VIIe République Avec La Même Constitution De Commencer Vraiment Le XXIe Siècle En Alliance Avec Les USA!

October 28, 2015: all the lyrics of the songs of President of the States.

BRAMSTOCKER Lyrics of President Of The States Songs With Audio And Video Recordings To Diffuse On Your Radio, Part Of Mike Fuller Campaign For The Presidency!

October 27, 2015: first days in the US with final press release Frederic Vidal Presents To The American Press Its Program For The Presidential Election: 8 Chapters Related To His 4 ID Names: FULLER, KELLY, SPEARS And VIDAL.


On Tumblr, important articles have been published on this additional blog: 

Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol is contemporary art symbol of 15/16 message of fiction and reality for the Presidential election.

2 Immigrants more than one: Arnold Schwarzenegger invited by Frederic Vidal for the Alternate Ticket at next year election fight. A Secretary of the Arts and an Amendment will be promoted. The Screen Actors Guild, the GOP, California and Germany connect already the 2 men

Clinton is not Goebbels. It’s time for a Secretary of the Arts. The US need good propaganda according to PhD, Frederic Vidal.

Criminal Planet A Cappella: Obama must stop preventing me to be in the press, as I sing at the Bobby’s Idle Hour on Music Row, Nashville, my songs of ‘President of the States’ to start a real career I deserve in America. Frederic Vidal of Bramstocker.


Updates and Upgrades

On Twitter
this morning, 12/1/2015

7:04am. From Nashville, TN. Vidal Fuller 2016. 15/16: when short film meets reality show. President of the States =

7:11am. From Nashville, TN. Vidal Fuller 2016. 15/16: when Reagan meets Schwarzenegger. President of the States =

7:11am. From Nashville, TN. Vidal Fuller 2016. 15/16: when questions are more important than replies. Pres of th S =

7:19am. President of the States = A filmmaker for election day. The web culture in politics. When Vidal tags Warhol.

1st draft for a postcard that could be a poster of the short film / reality show 15/16 about politics & show biz. FV


Marilyn Monroe definitely a part of the production design of 15/16, the same for Andy Warhol, Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger. FV

15/16, Fifteen Slash Sixteen: 2 Years Together For A President To Be In Charge In 17, Frederic Vidal Who Is Also Mike Fuller For A Semi-Fictional Short Film To Be Produced By Timeframes LLC, This December In Desmoines, Iowa And Released In January Before The Caucuses!

Synopsis of 15/16.
From Spears to Fuller.
Questions and Answers.

Mike Fuller alias me in our dimension that real Mike calls USB is in Desmoines, Iowa for a special interview, 2 months before the caucuses, with a charming woman who is a freelance journalist but very concerned by Fuller future.

Part 1. Where did you live before?

I was a homeowner in Hollywoodland, at 6218 Rockcliff Drive, Los Angeles, from 2006, but I was threatened by a foreclosure that I could cancel August 16, 2010, I’m still very proud of it, but later in December 2011, my co-owner and previous wife proposed me to accept a short sale and I wrongly validated it. Now, I would like my house to be back to me.
From July 2011 to October 2015, I was in France after the death of my old aunt, to occupy her apartment in Nice, 10, avenue Notre-Dame. I had difficulties to have the property at my name and some hostility of the population.
Since I am back in America mid-October, unfortunately I was first a client of rescue missions in Washington and in Nashville as I did not get new friends and socialized not a lot. I hope it won’t last and it already ended with a more stable life as a filmmaker and politician able to organize myself with more context help.
I demanded to the FBI, already in 2010 and again now, to investigate why it did not work for me in the 2000’s. With my film project FRENCH COP, my membership SAG-AFTRA (with the name Fred Kelly), creation of my society TIMEFRAMES LLC, being at the Republican Party and at the Rotary, normally it would not have been so difficult to start a good career, for me it was so hard that I focused only on the Internet to share my ideas. I was already a ‘star’ with BRAMSTOCKER, my emblematic punk band from the 70’s so connected to the rock but not included in the show biz. Maybe it explains partly.

Part 2. Why have you this problem of notoriety?

Frankly speaking, I suppose that the NSA, National Security Agency, must consider me very bad and suspect, warning until now, all around me, the people they have to take care about me regarding some possible dangers to be in touch with me. They probably think I am subversive or even a kind of dissident (like Lennon?), mainly because my writings on the Web appear weird for them, I think. I don’t understand why, I always was a patriot, year after year, and if I want reforms and changes, it is to improve and reinforce our Country, not the contrary.
The worst is to imagine that possibly the NSA is secretly believing in something that could be a IIIrd Reich (the Nazi regime in Germany in the 1930’s until 1945) origin and activity of mine. This is totally ridiculous but, I suppose, based on a study of my European family and my birth in 1959. Consequently, I wrote the subject of the GERMAN SPY to show I manage this universe of the swastika in a way that is anti-Nazi and not at all pro-German. A little isolated, not authorized in the mass Medias, I am waiting for a rehabilitation of my file as soon as possible thanks to the journalists, the public opinion and themselves.

Part 3. What did you do to compensate?

I prepared my strategy in September before to leave Europe, October 16. I have a program of 16 propositions organized around 4 main propositions (War Marketing, Presidential Power, IVth Reich and USA versus USB) to be creative in the Presidential campaign, more social and prospective oriented than the mainstream candidates. Also, I decided to perform in Nashville, TN the 12 songs I composed last summer for the soundtrack of the GERMAN SPY and the album ‘President of the States’. This unique concert, for Thanksgiving’s eve, is rich of sense to express to the Midwest a message of culture and grassroots with the promotion of my political name Mike Fuller to compensate that the GERMAN SPY project did not attract enough professionals at the Cannes Film Festival in May. So less fictional name Thomas Spears about me, call me Fuller only.
For that, the Homeland Security always was at my side improving a lot my presence in the United States in 2006, confirming me as US citizen with my naturalization. Afterwards, I had never a problem with them and I did my best to be an exemplary immigrant with the definitive difficulty I never found a woman to accept to be with me. Probably, the cause is my bad (and wrong) security and ideology file if I appear as a Sheen-Snowden for the NSA, it must have consequences in the population.

Part 4. How to become next President?

I have the feeling I can be very popular in the troops, US Army, US Air Force, US Navy, National Guard and Coast Guard, as I am a new American, conservative and for reforms, including an amendment of the Constitution to improve the participation of the minorities in the institutions. It would be a really good first network nationwide as military have families and serious population committed to empower candidacies bringing progress and upgrading the nation.
To become President, I must first become candidate officially meaning being in the polls like the other main candidates that were in November 10 Republicans and 3 Democrats. For that, I know it can happen thanks to this short film 15/16, its filming in December and its diffusion in January, it’s a piece of art but also a promotion tool, it’s semi-fictional mixing novelism and auto-biography.

Part 5. When will you succeed?

I will succeed in January 2017 by being in charge of the Presidency if I can. It will be with the Judge if there is a contestation of the election or if the present contestation, that I cannot be a regular candidate, continues. I am anyway an extraordinary candidate and I will never stop preparing for the Americans 4 years of improvement of their daily life and permanent environment for a mandate of victory shared and celebrated.
It looks like my partly active isolation will finish by a lawsuit, organizations, populations and sometimes even personalities wanting too much to follow the recommendations of the authorities, and I hope it will be a secondary subject as I will succeed to prevail by the quality of my talent, not the motivation of my lawyers.

Frederic Vidal

End of 15/16 synopsis

List of the 16 propositions at the end of this article.

Hero of the Film: A House.

My house at 6218 Rockcliff Drive, in Los Angeles CA 90068, from 2006 to 2011 when I signed from France the short sale of it that I want now to be cancelled as I was not able to support this property from Europe at that time for reasons that are crimes against me and my company TIMEFRAMES LLC.
Frederic Vidal

ar127862291735134If you thought that the only distressed properties in Los Angeles were in less desirable neighborhoods, this Hollywood Hills Short Sale should be a pleasant surprise.

Check out this private & secluded 3 bedroom and 2.5 bath Hollywoodland Mediterranean. 6218 Rockcliff boast  serene city and canyon views. Built c. 1934 by architect Raymond “R.J.” Kieffer the home was later restored by ASIDdesigner. This captivating home features a Formal Living room with high pitched beamed ceilings, wood-burning fireplace, wood floors and tall French doors that open to a Juliette balcony.”


The actress Blake Lively stays a memory connected to this house where her evocation inspired me to write The Man With The Velvet Eyes on this Blog on WordPress. Unfortunately, I never succeeded to meet he intown in Los Angeles or on a Hollywood set. I don’t know if some people did not want us to be together but I think that it is possible as happiness is a treasure that sometimes is stolen by jealous or interested persons who don’t mind about the sadness next.
Mike Fuller

List of the 16 propositions by Mike Fuller.


Intervision is Internet next step with McLuhan Galaxy of Web, TV and News

USID Database will be a nationwide interactive listing of all the population.

No World War III without the end of terrorism in the middle-east with a status quo plan.

No bad Propaganda never anymore here. Mass Medias must not brainwash us daily.


Timeframes is the name to replace old nasty Hollywood by new film industry.

UFOS to build before 2025 is a goal for our space research with NASA and Air Force.

New GOP with Democrats, it’s GOP2 to upgrade obsolete Republican Party.

Supreme Being is the name of an entity that is governing us and needs religion.


Multipartism is a system with not only Republicans and democrats but more partis.

Anti-Nazism is necessary in the US, too many people are inspired by Hitler.

Svastika inversed is scientifically the right sign to refuse IIIrd Reich of criminal Hitler.

A Jewish President of the United States? So great to prevent any kind of dictatorship.


No Human Trafficking in Hollywood and the show biz, don’t harass women as slaves.

New Gouvernance is a necessity because the public authorities need sponsoring.

Citizen Amendment of the Constitution to empower immigrants and minorities.

51st State: France, it’s the solution. Lafayette country to be our partner # in the Union.