This is my 1,400th post for WordPress. Waouu!

The Inter-Letters™ #35, (issues #54), 08/3/2012 (Friday). My Fictional Presidential Candidacy Name Is Mike Fuller With A Strategy Pro-Mitt Romney For The Reality But What About Mike’s Fictional Program? Could Be In Reality Or Semi-Fictional!

What Mike Fuller already did about a list of propositions that can have a good feedback for Mitt Romney.

A Vice-President’s name.
A Chief of Staff’s name.
A Secretary of State’s name.
Proposition: Drug to Cure.
Proposition: Firearm license.
Proposition: Anti-harassment.
Proposition: Human liberation.
About the Mexican border.
The Internet upgrade.
Proposition: Against prohibitions.
The new Citizenship.
Republican Obamacare.
The Presidency team.
The Tampa Foundation.

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #54: Mike Fuller, an American Name.

The American Nation is about Unity and a Dream to share of a continent of progress and modernity. Patriots know that as the reasons of the Constitution and to get this paradise in the reality, we have, first, to build it in our mind, a fiction becoming step by step a part of what is real. OUR IDEAL is our motivation, our objective, our target, it is our plan, our strategy. Perfection does not exist on Earth but we can improve our Planet and give it a way to represent what we really need: a message. Americans are the leaders of this attitude, Mike Fuller is the man who improves the spirituality of our elections.

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #54: Mike Fuller, Press Reporter.

The journalism is the great result of the democracy. In the United States, the newspapers and the news on TV are the contents that are fundamentals for the expression of the public opinion. The Internet’s blogs and community sites are new ways to express yourself that are appreciable sending great texts in the network of the web, about feelings, ideas, information, projects together for more communication. Our ideology is not only capitalism but also the Bill of Rights, LIBERTY OF EXPRESSION, including the liberty to write opinions. Blogs when they are not personal but comments of the news can be welcomed to the Press Universe. Mike Fuller’s blogs are pure journalism read by journalists.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #54: Mike Fuller, Candidate of the Future.

Mike’s is Frederic Vidal fictional and fictitious name, also said Pen name and AKA. Why? Because Frederic Vidal is a musician and an entrepreneur who is producing movies. He decided to have other activities with another name to express that it is not signed by his legal name and consequently connected to different forms of culture, businesses and organizations that are not included in his own career but the career of his pseudonym, a different person who can be imagined like a fiction inside the reality but Frederic Vidal controls this second name and prevents any kind of dysfunctional use of it. For government activities, Mike is ready to be candidate, he’s just from the future that can be today.

): FRENCH POST™ #54: Mike Fuller, Novelist As a Social Worker.

Novelist is the first vocation of Mike Fuller, a person who wrote so many great stories published already on the Internet, from the French Cop™ in 2006 to Dual Dim™ in 2012. This is really a great thing to create a reality and characters and a relation between them from nothing else than your brain and your understanding of humans and the society. Mike has to be better known, his Web’s fame is emblematic of this 2010’s media, also because he is writing to send us advices and allegories about what is wrong and what is right for social modernization and justice.

HERE COMES THE NIGHT (Fred Vidal Cover 2009)

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #54: Mike Fuller, l’ami Américain.

Mike Fuller est mon nom aux Etats-Unis essentiellement mais il est aussi mon nom américain en France. Sous ce nom qui est mon pseudonyme, je signe tout ce qui ne concerne pas mes activités françaises d’origine. Ainsi, les choses sont claires en ce qui concerne mon passé (la France) et mon avenir (les Etats-Unis), le présent étant un mélange des deux. L’avenir, les Etats-Unis, j’entends par là, un pays qui est dans l’avenir, un futur constant à manier avec précaution, qu’il faut étudier et dont il faut tirer partie sans en être l’otage. En Amérique, je représente le Parti Républicain, en France le Pouvoir Présidentiel (nouveau parti). Au niveau artistique, je reste musicien en France d’abord et cinéaste romancier en Amérique. Dans les deux pays, je suis journaliste.

This Inter-Letters™ is dedicated to: Steve Burke.

Stephen B. "Steve" Burke (born August 14, 1958) is Executive Vice President of Comcast and CEO/President of NBC Universal. Burke is a director at JP Morgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway.

Stephen B. “Steve” Burke (born August 14, 1958) is Executive Vice President of Comcast and CEO/President of NBC Universal. Burke is a director at JP Morgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway.

A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™.

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal / Mike Fuller.

This Inter-Letters™ is a part of the campaign of Mitt Romney.

Sous l’égide du projet de Secrétariat d’Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLL) project.

Today’s Video by Youtube: Saxon-Rock The Nations (Full Album) 1986.

Breaking News.
Today’s Frédéric Vidal comments for the Huffington Post.

James Holmes, le tueur du Colorado, avait envoyé un carnet et veut connaître la fin de “Batman”.

Ce garçon est stagé. A-t-il un manager et un agent et un contrat avec Barack Obama pour avoir l’air teen et les yeux de Paul McCartney de la couverture de l’album Red Rose Speedway ? Si l’Amérique veut en faire une vedette pour en faire un livre à succès, nous plaiderons devant les Nations-Unis BARBARIE ORGANISEE AVEC L’AIDE DE L’ETAT.” Frédéric Vidal.

Chiffres du chômage: avec la multiplication des plans sociaux, et si le pire était à venir ?

2,945 millions de personnes au chômage au total. C’est trop ou pas assez pour les ministres socialistes qui partent en vacances définitivement selon moi, pour un bain de jouvence, leur Université d’été pour un parti qui n’en à que faire de l’économie réelle. A mon avis. Et c’est le bon, Marianne, il faut raison garder et rappeler un peu de Gaullisme et de Mitterrandisme, très peu, juste le nécessaire pour me seconder.” Frédéric Vidal.

Apple déçoit Wall Street malgré une hausse de 20,5% du bénéfice dans ses résultats.

Frédéric Vidal : “C’est à cause de la musique qui ne fonctionne plus au XXIe siècle, trop de brouhaha et de déceptions pour nos sociétés qui restent trop capitalistes et pas assez humanistes pour nous donner goût en l’avenir. Nous avons du temps à gagner en influencant Apple pour que la marque se lance dans l’Intervision™ et le numérique de Smart TVs.”

Élections américaines: Romney et Obama se disputent la relation privilégiée entre Londres et Washington.

Frédéric Vidal :Pour Londres, je recommande la participation à l’élaboration d’une République car la Reine est foncièrement pour. Elle a décidé de répondre à mes questions concernant ses relations avec le pouvoir depuis le début de son règne (y compris le nazisme). Cela dit, le peuple britannique doit apprécier ce changement qui est foncièrement populaire. La noblesse abolie, elle retournera dans la bourgeoisie, ainsi nous n’aurons aucune tête à couper comme en France en 1789. C’est l’Empire de BRAMSTOCKER, sa Nation première à mon groupe Punk de toujours. Pour le Prolétariat, j’envisage un gouvernement d’Union Nationale dès la Constitution prête. Dès lors, j’ai besoin d’Obama autant que de Romney pour me soutenir ce programme strictement britannique. Mon équipe américaine aux JO sera forcément détentrice de ce message, car intelligente comme nous les Républicains de progrès.”

Le HuffPost avec AFP |                                                                                     Publication: 25/07/2012 21:38 Mis à jour: 26/07/2012 09:08.

The Inter-Letters™ #29, 07/26/2012 (Thursday). Breaking The Law, Who Is Doing That Nowadays And Why? The Truth About The American Presidency That Governs The World In Secret! Mike Fuller In Tampa.

): BREAKTHROUGH™ #48: Iraq concept of war is useful including for Mexico and…

The American Army back to the US territory after 2 wars, are now ready to prepare a new type of fast war on the American continent for the future of security and cooperation. WAR FOR PEACE IS THE PERFECT MOTTO. The principle of war as a process of profit is not fair and honest. So when there is a war, it is our duty to stop it by an anti-war action, a military or not. This doctrine is Mike Fuller’s statement to build a pure ambition in the US to be more and better than the United Nations by monitoring and preventing any kind of war worldwide. Moreover USA has the Nuclear Power to oblige everybody to calm down. War is dirty, peace is a gift of God, peace and love. The Army has the weapons to get respect for the message of the 1960’s and it will work without casualties.

M1A1 Abrams of the US Marines. My favorite car. Not for the Desert only.

M1A1 Abrams of the US Marines. My favorite car. Not for the Desert only.

): BLOCKBUSTER™ #48: Films are the most important industry.

In the United States, the real art is the cinema and not the television that is an information source and not an art, obviously. But our art is not enough understood as a major reality like paintings of the museums and novels in the libraries, so there must be a historic time for this: 2013. Next year, all our movies must have a special LOGOTYPE writing on the screen NO GARBAGE FOR OUR MOVIES. A permanent campaign to have the motion pictures honored like never before. This is our duty to coordinate all the production for the comeback of a program of OFFICIAL FAME of the American Film Business. FILMS ARE THE MOVIEGOERS PROPERTY AND PROUDNESS must be also on every screen of every screening from January 1st to December 31st to forget the machine gun of Aurora this year and be secured in our mind with also a security control at the entrance of every theater.

She is the next anti-Grace Kelly. Yvonne Strahovski @ 2012 San Diego Comic-Con International. Author: flickr user Genevieve719.

She is the next anti-Grace Kelly. Yvonne Strahovski @ 2012 San Diego Comic-Con International. Author: flickr user Genevieve719.

): BRAMSTOCKER™ #48: For a Republican Obamacare.

The Obamacare is a concept to be improved and we will keep the name of B. Obama to extend his system of management of the Welfare State. All the citizens need free hospital and a permanent access to doctors, Republicans can finance this next step of the Care by reducing some spending and increasing the budget of the Social Security, to have the whole population not sick anymore and having a job, no unemployment anymore is possible, companies can create jobs co-financed by the 50 States and the Federation. Thank you Obama, you gave us the inspiration to conclude your program that was not complete anyway. Jobs, medications and a super-card for you and the Social Security in order to be completely Ok body and mind, budgets will reply to the needs.

My roommate for American Dreams. Official portrait of US Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. 28 January 2011. Source: Email from the Office of Senator Marco Rubio. Author: US Senate.

My roommate for American Dreams. Official portrait of US Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. 28 January 2011. Source: Email from the Office of Senator Marco Rubio. Author: US Senate

): FRENCH POST™ #48: 2012, a year that arrives in a world without knowledge of the 20th century.

We are in 12, lost in a new century, into the unknown. The XXth century was great even with two world wars and we were feeling comfortable to know a deadline, 2000, that was far away when we were in 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980,, then in 1990, a final countdown started but it was not enough to be prepared for a new millennium of technologies and fortune. We arrived in 2001 and the World Trade Center was attacked then a social depression followed with no end. The end or not end? We are the best to struggle against a problem and there is always a solution. In 2013, a congress in the United States will present it with A PLAN FOR NO MORE DEPRESSION 2013-2020. Thousands of universities will be invited to create the national network of this scientific and social initiative.

The Aztec "Calendar Stone". Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico City. Author: Rosemania.

The Aztec “Calendar Stone”. Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico City. Author: Rosemania.

The Aztec people were certain ethnic groups of central Mexico, particularly those groups who spoke the Nahuatl language and who dominated large parts of Mesoamerica from the 14th to 16th centuries.”

): THE NOISE (LE BRUIT)™ #48: Une conférence scientifique.

Une conférence scientifique consacrée à l’Intervision sera publiée ce weekend sur ce blog afin de mettre un terme au dérapage de l’Internet vers le chaos généralisé qui ne s’arrêtera pas s’il n’y a pas l’Intervision™. Il y a maintenant un projet autour de la persistance de la pérennité du principe de notre média, partie-prenante de notre culture.

Nostradamus. The new Judas Priest. Never Never anymore. A group lasts forever. Promotion of a band without illegal drugs. Everything is legal with them.

Nostradamus. The new Judas Priest. Never Never anymore. A group lasts forever. Promotion of a band without illegal drugs. Everything is legal with them.

This Inter-Letters™ is dedicated to: Carl Lewis.

Carl Lewis, still well for 2012 in England.

Carl Lewis, still well for 2012 in England.

A non-profit EVIDENCE™ publishing. A TIMEFRAMES™ LLC publication by INTERVISION™.

Titles owner and Editor-in-Chief: Frederic Vidal.

Sous l’égide du projet de Secrétariat d’Etat aux Affaires Litigieuses (SEAL), under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Litigious Affairs (SSLL) project.

Today’s Video by Youtube:  Judas Priest – Breaking The Law

Judas Priest – Painkiller.

Judas PriestTurbo Lover.

My 2 Letters To The Americans And The French.

Plus on the 2 Campaign Blogs :




Dear Americans,

I believe in an another solution than the routine of the Obama Years: crisis, elections, poor economy masked by a man on a stage and the Army never back from Afghanistan. The Republican Primary is now almost over even if there will not be a nominee before August.

I was in Tampa one time in February, I will be in Tampa two times with a second time to explain to the Delegates that we have a program, the AMERIPLAN written by me to give to our Party, the GOP that is also the Small Young Party of the United States – SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL, YOUNG IS FOREVER, PARTY MEANS POWER – the ambition to prepare the future by understanding, more everyday, what happened the past few years in our mind: A KIND OF DEPRESSION even if we won the elections in 2010 not for nothing with John Boehner who became Speaker but not for a lot of change.

The change must happen now in 12 with a real experience of Victory in November. To get it, we must be sure of our candidate and I AM NOT CERTAIN THAT MITT ROMNEY will represent our values as we need. I believe in America as an immigrant for the TRUTH, the VERITY and the JUSTICE in everything.

So, I want to be your NOMINEE for a real changement to schedule EVERY MONTH on the next four years AGENDA! A reform every Month meaning 48 months of Reform to compensate 12 years without real reforms except the OBAMACARE that did not succeed completely. because of the popularity of Barack Obama, a President who was appreciated by you, Americans, as a Friend more than a White House Statesman.

After Obama: it is possible to think about it already this year, all thing has an end and ONE TERM ONLY is better than no term at all. In 4 years, he succeeded to express his style that will not be forgotten by his fans and his opponents.

The worst of them all was Mitt Romney who recently adopted an Obama attitude with a charisma and a glamorous speech looking like dangerous for us, Republicans, who don’t want a second disaster after the bad result of John McCain 4 years ago, too sure to beat the future President and then creating a nationwide sadness still present in 2012. I can imagine a happier end WITH A WIN but for that I need an Amendment. I think we have to be AMBITIOUS, imagining a NEW AMERICA to feel better and make our voters feel better.

Then, rendezvous in Florida, the State of Marco Rubio, a nice man but a bad Senator to my point of view, in TAMPA, for the CONVENTION OF THE LAST CHANCE before a 2nd term of Barack Obama. If we don’t want it, let’s dialogue about the conditions to prevent him to do so. There will be a lot to say. I SPEAK ENGLISH.

Frederic Vidal

Frederic Vidal AMERIPLAN:

I. The Problems Are:


1. The Nation exhausted by 10 Years of War.

a. No victory in Iraq and Afghanistan.

b. Al Qaida continues after Bin Laden.

2. The Medias Propaganda creates Submission.

a. The CNN culture repeats te same message: Obey!

b. The Press creates the obligation to be famous before to be published.


1. Presidents and Candidates shown as Heroes not Leaders.

a.The OBAMAMANIA was destructive for the social community.

b. The Romney promotion is a Rubio brainwashing.

2. The Devil Bush and Comedian Obama built a Depression.

a. Some kind of panic mood.

b. Stress-Minded, the electors believe in nothing.

II. The Solutions will be:


1. Let’s vote an Amendment.

a. Citizenship empowerment.

b. Congress-President Relation.

2. It will change the meaning of our Sacred Text.

a. To express better Federation Goal ! One Congress/President for 50 States.

b. The Judiciary Power must be closer to the People.


1. The biggest companies must sale more.

a. Studies are necessary for more Blockbusters.

b. No collaboration between competition.

2. The Americans have the choice to buy what they want.

a. Cheap is the objective.

b. People must have the choice of 2 or more products.


Chers Francais,

Tout va bien. La France profonde s’est exprimee dimanche et nous avons le choix dimanche dans plus d’une semaine entre un candidat de progres et de progression. Le progres, c’est Hollande, la progression, c’est Sarkosy. Entre les deux, votre coeur balance et le mien bat pour vous.

 Vous etes Marianne et il s’agit maintenant de prevoir plus pour se sentir mieux. Nous avons besoin DE RAJEUNIR NOTRE CONSTITUTION. Depuis 1958, beaucoup de grands sujets ont donne lieu a debat en France mais jamais encore nous n’avons entame un debat national au sujet de nos institutions.

Je pense que c’est le moment parce que les 20% du Front national et les 10% de Francois Bayrou, apotre d’une 6e Republique, doivent nous inciter A NOUS REMETTRE EN QUESTION. Le bon score de Jean-Luc Melenchon, lui aussi favorable a une 6e Republique, est un autre signe de succes DU CHANGEMENT que nous souhaitons, que De Gaulle aurait souhaite. OFFRONS-NOUS DU NEUF, un immeuble constitutionnel qui fonctionne mieux sans 49.3, sans article 11 mais avec, en remplacement, DES ARTICLES DE COMMUNICATION entre le Parlement et le President, DES ARTICLES DE REFORME que nous pourrons elaborer ensemble avec la mise en place d’un Conseil Consultatif Constitutionnel.

Pour le 2e tour, il y a peu d’enjeu, le socialiste a un grand projet : LEQUEL ? Le President souhaiterait se RENOUVELER, pour quel avenir ? Il nous l’a dit, le notre mais le notre, il nous appartient et IL FAUT LIER CETTE ELECTION A LA REFORME DE LA CONSTITUTION pour ne pas vieillir, pour voir plus grand sinon cette course sera sans retour.

On a besoin d’une pause. Encore un nouveau Gouvernement ! Et puis, les Legislatives. Je prepare des contentieux aussi concernant ma candidature : C’EST PAS LA JOIE si on ne decide pas ensemble de devenir creatif. Pour ce faire, consolons les petits candidats, en particulier Eva Joly, pour leurs scores insatisfaisants qui n’ont pas atteint le succes escompte. On ne peut etre candidat et etre elu, cela est reserve a un seul : LE GAGNANT et le gagnant, c’est MOI meme en dehors du scrutin car le BLANC NOMME, vous l’avez tous adopte, C’EST UNE PAGE BLANCHE sur laquelle vous avez envie d’inscrire plus que mon nom, VOTRE HISTOIRE.

Vous, francais, moi, President ou CONTRE-PRESIDENT, nous verrons. Pour l’heure, veillons a respecter les regles du jeu et menageons les susceptibilites qui veulent qu’aucun ne sait encore de quoi demain sera fait. Les sondages se trompent parfois, parfois trop comme pour ce 1er tour QUI DONNE TROP FAVORI Francois Hollande. Est-il pour la 7e ou considere-t-il que la 5e est suffisante ? L’enjeu du Second Tour se joue sur cette question.

Nous verrons qui l’emporte mais pour l’instant, pour l’heure, nous nous devons de motiver sur la question institutionnelle qui m’a valu ma place (art. 7 rouille) et qui peut nous valoir UN PLUS EN RETOUR quand nous comprendrons que la grande question, c’est l’Etat, l’Etat de la France.

Amities a vos familles.

Frederic Vidal  

24 Avril 2012. De New York, Washington Heights.

PS : sinon, on revolutionne le Monde avec un nouveau Mai 68, l’affaire Marilyn Monroe.

Mon Plan de Presidence pour la France.

par Frederic Vidal.


1. L’Egalite des Citoyens.

a. Un logement pour tous.

b. Un travail pour chacun.

2. Le Progres des Revenus.

a. L’entreprise a la portee de tous.

b. Un salaire pour tous ceux qui le meritent.


1. L’Independance du territoire.

a. Ouvrir les frontieres au commerce exterieur.

b. Reduire la dette en augmentant la croissance.

2. Le dialogue egalitaire.

a. Favoriser la concertation pour la paix negociee.

b. Donner l’exemple d’un destin national.